
The Joost team showed off their wares at the recent Web 2.0 Expo. It looked really cool. What struck me most was the fantastic picture quality and the seamless integration of social networking features.

Now what would be even cooler is to have a Linux-based appliance that runs a player like Joost and connects to your TV – the next generation Tivo. Things would be kicked up a notch if the box connected into a service like Amazon’s S3 and used it to store all the movies you buy/collect. That way, you and family/friends could have a get together in cyberspace to watch a favorite movie. You could also permit a friend or relative to watch movies from your collection by sharing it with them. Note to movie industry : no copying involved :-)

Hey, wait a minute! Isn’t this a cool startup idea? Damn, shoulda filed one of ’em obveeus invenshun patents before yesterday’s Supreme court ruling

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